Su acogida actual no puede seguir con el por traslado. Bali es un perro ejemplar y muy tranquilo en casa. Por la calle va suelto siempre a tu lado y obedece, es súper cariñoso. Compatible con otros perros y gatos. Si puedes ser su casa de acogida contacta con nosotros.
His current reception cannot continue with him due to transfer. Bali is an exemplary dog and very calm at home. On the street he is always loose by your side and obeys, he is super affectionate. Compatible with other dogs and cats. If you can be his foster home, contact us.
URGENT NOTIFICATION We had to change the Apama mobile card to another phone because WhatsApp was causing us certain problems, this change of phone has caused them to lose each and every one of the conversations or requests that they had sent us from the day March 13. Please, we ask all those affected, write to us again on Apama’s Whatsapps and we apologize for the inconvenience caused.